Juliette GODIN, IGBMC, Illkirch: Unfolded protein response: a homeostat regulating mouse cerebral cortex development
Olivier Ayrault, Institut Curie, Paris: Insights into molecular mechanisms implicated in sonic hedgehog medulloblastoma
Genda Comai, Pasteur Paris: Look it in the eye: Understanding extraocular muscle development and patterning
Jocelyn Laporte, IGBMC, Illkirch: Epistasis in mice highlights pathomechanism and therapeutic targets for congenital myopathies
Rafael Galupa, Institut Curie, Paris: The structural and regulatory puzzle of the X-inactivation centre
Irwin Davidson, IGBMC, Illkirch: Role of chromatin remodeling complexes in epigenetic regulation of melanoma gene expression
Gloria Curto, IJM, Paris: Patterns in chromatin and transcriptomic landscapes triggered by spatial dynamics in Pax3 and Pax7 transcriptional activity underpin cellular differentiation layout in the developing spinal cord.
Evan Williams, ETH Zurich: Quantitative Population 'Omics Analysis Using Mass Spectrometry
Jean-Emmanuel Sarry, CRCT, Toulouse: Cancer stem cells and drug resistance in PDX model of acute myeloid leukemia
Matthieu Gérard, CEA,Paris Sud: Genome-wide nucleosome specificity and function of chromatin remodellers in ES cells
Patrice Mollard, IGF, Montpellier: Cellular in vivo imaging and manipulation in conscious mouse models: dream or reality?
Marie-Christine Birling, PHENOMIN-iCS, Illkirch: Development and Applications of CRISPR-Cas9 for Genome Engineering at Phenomin-ICS